

Chalk Tesselations

Tesselation #20: a romantic tale

This one started off as an attempt at an abstract forest scene, or view of a single tree. This was largely very successful for the top 2/3 of the board. Once I got to base of the tree, I needed to introduce another color and I chose purple, thinking that it could help represent roots.

Around the same time, I was romantically pursing someone, who frequently uses purple as “her color”. As I worked my way from right to left across the bottom, I found myself increasingly associating the purple with her. In a small triangular element, I introduced a hint of a lighter, brighter purple.

At this time, I had invited her on a group hike. It wasn’t a date explicitly, but more of a soft-date; we could spend more time talking together, but she could also move away and talk to others if she wanted. She hadn’t replied to me yet and I found that I couldn’t complete the piece until she did. If she answered yes, the piece of bright purple would be completed to be a small detail, but if she said yes, it would become an important element of the rest of the piece. So the piece remained like this for a day:

Eventually she did respond; rather than coming on the group hike, she invited me on a private one, just the two of us. So I completed the artwork with a large element of the bright-purple.

The romance flamed out very quickly, so these days I prefer the version that has the hole in it. As is often the case, the mystery is more compelling than the resolution.

Drew Polstra