StarQuest #13: Passing of the Torch
Originally posted on Feb 3, 2016
During the summer, I had handled development and Moneybags had handled the staff management. When summer ended Moneybags became inactive due to school and his job, so the majority of the load shifted to me, and I wasn't able to take it because I was suddenly extremely busy with school myself. Quiet's offer of assistance was a welcome surprise, but even with his extremely capable help I was overloaded, so we began looking for some new staff. We needed someone to replace Moneybags, we needed some new developers to take up my workload, and we needed some new moderation staff, as the availability of help was falling dangerously low since none of us had had enough time to run a trial mod program.
So we began to search. I opened a general application for junior developers on the SQ frontpage, and while we were at it we began to quietly search for a new general manager: someone to take up moneybags's job and also the general operation of the server in my place. Before too long we were surprised by an unexpected offer; Liggo messaged me and said he wanted the job.
Up until that point, we hadn't seriously considered Liggo for the position. He was a newer staff member, by the time scale of the senior staff. Up until that point, all of the highest-tier staff members had been "super veterans": they had been with SQ from the very beginning, and had been there on SQ's predecessors (DFO, DMC, and RPMC). Liggo, on the other hand, had joined soon before the noob rush. He hadn't been there for the split of DFO, the founding of SQ, or any of the "early days" shenanigans that had shaped our community. But he had previously proven himself capable working on other projects, had done really well with new groups of trial mods, and most importantly had shown himself to have real passion for the job. Passion is rare, and definitely important for what we were asking him to do. So we decided to give him a shot. I can now safely say that it was the right choice.
At the same time as we were looking for new management, we were recruiting the new junior developers. We had a surprisingly large number of applicants, and we eventually selected six candidates: In no particular order, _TheTimelord_/Evancooldude, Evanaesarcaesar, Ginger_Walnut, Tongonto, Buba141, and Lucon1, though Lucon eventually dropped out. With Liggo and Quiet handling the day-to-day server operation, I announced my formal retirement from SQ development and instead became a teacher. The new jrdevs had varying levels of comfort with Java and the Bukkit API, but they were eager to learn, and it was my job to show them the way. It was an interesting experience for me and one that I really enjoyed, as I watched them find and overcome many of the challenges that I faced in my early days. It's been a few months now, and they've really come a long way. I've helped less and less over the months and at this point I'm not really necessary at all; I just make things faster by guiding them through the old code instead of making them dig.
For awhile there, the server was in real danger; staff was at record lows, and as a result so were playership and revenues, and we were all preparing for the end. But Liggo and Quiet and the new devs really stepped up, and now we have a healthy staff, rising player counts, and enough income to ensure operations for months to come. It really came down to liggo and the new jrdevs; if they hadn't managed, we didn't really have time for a second shot before things ran dry. But they came through, and so here we are.
These days I'm still around, but I don't really have to do much. I talk to Liggo and Quiet sometimes and give my opinion on things, but that's about it. Sometimes I answer devs' questions, or drop into the mod chat when my name is called. On the rare occasion that something major breaks I'll come and help out, but that's extremely uncommon these days: the server has never been more stable than it is now. For the most part, the server is in the extremely capable hands of general manager Liggo and behind-the-scenes operator Quiet.
And that's the end of the story from me. The story of SQ will be continued from here by Liggo on Liggo's blog, if liggo wants to continue this tradition.
It's been a lot of fun, folks! Thanks for all of the memories. I've grown a ton as a person and developer through all of this. Thanks especially to those of you who were supportive and encouraging the whole way; you were the reason it was worth it. There were more than a few times when I came pretty close to just giving up and shutting down the server, but there were always a few of you who believed in me, and that was enough to keep going for another day. Please do the same for the new devs and modstaff; be excited when they make something new for you, they worked hard on it. Thank them for what they do and they'll be happy to do more.
Expanding on that theme, please remember the human behind the screen in everything you do. This community has a track record of flaming and anger. Before you post that comment, sit back and remember that the person you're talking to is a genuine human who is here to have a good time, same as you. Even if you're rivals ingame, you can be friendly to each other; it doesn't cost you anything, and it can make all the difference. One word can make or break somebody's day; try to be the guy who makes someone's day. Greet new players when they join and give them advice, make them feel welcome. Often times, one friendly person can make or break a newb's opinion of a server; be the person to make them want to play here.This community is small enough that one person can make a huge difference; if even a couple of you read this post and make a real effort to be friendly to everyone, you could change the course of the entire group, and you'll be a better person for it. A community is just a group of individuals; improve one individual and the community gets better. Pirates, you're not excluded from this. It's harder for you but still possible if you're creative.
And finally, an inspirational quote to live by (highlight to read):
Idk Moneybags, I think it really just needs... more blue? - dibujaron 2013
And that's it for me on StarQuest. See you all in Limitless, I hope (multiplayer should be out in a few days!)